Energy & Supply

Over 50 companies from the energy and utility industry already rely on CALIMA as a digital emergency system to protect their lone workers. See for yourself how leading energy supply companies offer their employees optimum protection with our PNA.

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Lone work in the energy industry
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Working alone in energy and utility companies

Due to a shortage of skilled workers and increasing automation, the activities of employees in the utilities industry are predominantly carried out alone. Activities that are performed by lone workers can vary for grid operators, energy producers, municipal utilities or industry-specific service companies.

  • Planning, surveying & maintenance of the technical (network) infrastructure and systems
  • Meter reading and electricity cut-off for end consumers
  • Inspections and sampling for environmental protection and wastewater disposal 
  • Property management, customer service and cleaning
  • Troubleshooting
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Risks in the energy and supply sector

In recent decades, occupational safety at grid operators, energy producers, municipal utilities and sector-specific service companies has improved thanks to modern systems and personal protective equipment. Nevertheless, according to the Employers' Liability Insurance Association for Energy, Textile, Electrical and Media Products (BG ETEM) and the Employers' Liability Insurance Association for the Raw Materials and Chemical Industry (BG RCI), there is still a risk of serious accidents due to the various working conditions and unusual incidents.


Working at heights, for example when installing or maintaining wind turbines and electricity pylons, poses an increased risk of employees falling. Falls can also occur during installation, maintenance and repair work in shafts and trenches, e.g. when laying pipes and cables.

Electrical voltages

When installing, maintaining and repairing electrical systems and power lines, employees are exposed to the risk of electric shock when working with electrically charged components. In addition, faulty or defective electrical devices can generate unexpected voltages and pose an increased risk to employees.

Tripping, slipping and falling hazards

In many areas of the energy sector, such as power plants, slipping accidents can occur due to floors being contaminated with lubricants, oils or other substances. Uneven floors on construction sites or field and meadow paths, for example, also increase the risk of tripping and falling accidents.

Threat and attack

Important infrastructure such as power plants or power lines can be potential targets for acts of sabotage or illegal energy diversion. Employees may therefore be confronted by external persons during security and maintenance work. The frustration of end users can also lead to confrontation, threats or attacks against employees if the power is cut off.

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Most important Features for utility companies

According to DGUV Regulation 1 "Principles of Prevention", the employer must ensure that the necessary help can be summoned immediately in the event of an emergency by means of signalling devices and organizational measures.

This can be done by using a personal emergency signal system at Features , taking into account the hazard.


Time alarm (dead man detector)

The time alarm allows the well-being of lone workers to be checked regularly during hazardous work. If an employee does not respond, an alarm is triggered automatically after a pre-alarm. In principle, CALIMA requires an active internet connection (mobile phone or WLAN). However, for areas without an internet connection (e.g. shafts), the time alarm can also be activated for protection.


Accident detection

When accident detection is activated, the sensors in the smartphone analyze the employee's movements to determine whether he or she is motionless or has fallen. If the employee falls into a ditch or is knocked unconscious by an electric shock, an alarm is triggered automatically.


Silent alarm

In the event of a threatening situation, e.g. confrontation with an intruder or aggressive behavior by end users, the silent alarm can be used to call for help unnoticed. This alarm is not audible and can therefore be triggered inconspicuously.

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"The protection of our employees is a top priority for us as a company. That's why we want to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization. CALIMA is a user-friendly and intuitive product. We are convinced that we can use it to protect our employees in the best possible way.

‍Wiebke Karpa-Muhle

‍Main Safety Specialist

Case study EWE Netz GmbH

Case study

EWE NETZ GmbH is a network operator for electricity, natural gas, drinking water and telecommunications. The company, which has been operating as EWE AG since 1930 and is headquartered in Oldenburg, is characterized by its many years of experience in its sector and yet is always at the cutting edge.

Originally, the 500 lone workers, who mainly carry out maintenance and servicing work at various offshore and onshore locations (e.g. wind, water and power plants), were not yet equipped with any standardized technical protection measures.

Download our case study free of charge and find out how EWE Netz GmbH successfully implemented our emergency system.

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