Working alone

Working alone describes working out of sight and call of others, typically in large halls, production facilities, industrial plants or in the field.

As soon as an employee works alone, the employer is obliged to carry out a special risk assessment and to derive measures from it. He must ensure that first aid is provided immediately after an emergency.

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Fatal dangers for lone workers

Emergencies can be life-threatening, especially when working alone for long periods of time, performing hazardous tasks on heavy machinery, working night shifts or in contact with people. Since no one else may be able to summon help in an emergency when working alone, even minor incidents can quickly become a serious problem.

Fall or accident

Falls and accidents

In Germany, more than 800,000 occupational accidents occur every year, 450 of which are even fatal.

Medical emergency

Medical emergencies

In Germany, approximately 260,000 people suffer a stroke or heart attack each year, of which 70,000 are fatal.

Attack and raid

Attacks and robberies

Incidents of violence are occurring with increasing frequency. Between 2010 and 2019, an increase of almost 50% was recorded.

People working alone are on their own

Employees at individual workplaces (EAP) work out of call and sight of other people. In an emergency, they are completely on their own and have no one to quickly provide assistance and trigger the rescue chain.

In the event of an accident or acute medical emergency, minutes or even seconds are critical until first aid arrives. People who suffer cardiac arrest only have a chance of survival if resuscitation measures are initiated immediately.

Who should be alerted in the event of an operational emergency?

Our experts will be happy to advise you and answer any questions you may have on the topics of lone worker protection, DGUV regulation 112-139 and the use of PNA.

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Employers are in the duty

In accordance with § 25 of the accident prevention regulation "Principles of Prevention" (BGV/GUV-V A1), the employer must ensure that the necessary help can be summoned immediately in the event of an emergency by means of signalling equipment and organizational measures.

Since this also applies in particular to individual workplaces, suitable monitoring measures must be taken. Among other things, this can also be done by means of a personal emergency signal system.

on DGUV regulation 112-139
Fabian ZellerMichael ZerbinKatharina Hochmuth

Free consultation

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions about working alone and our emergency system.

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