Logistics & Transportation

Many companies in the logistics sector already rely on CALIMA as a digital emergency system to protect their lone workers. See for yourself how leading forwarding, transport and logistics companies offer their employees optimum protection with our PNA.

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Lone work in logistics
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Lone work in logistics

Due to automation and a shortage of skilled workers, employees in production predominantly work alone. Activities that are carried out alone can vary in logistics and transportation companies, freight forwarders and courier services.

  • Organization and management of warehouse stocks
  • Quality control and assurance of incoming and outgoing goods
  • Maintenance and repair of transport vehicles
  • Loading and unloading vehicles and securing loads
  • Delivery of parcels, letters and other consignments
  • Communication with customers to confirm delivery
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Dangers in the logistics sector

In recent decades, occupational safety in the logistics and transportation industry has improved thanks to personal protective equipment and safety training. Nevertheless, according to the Berufsgenossenschaft Verkehrswirtschaft Post-Logistik Telekommunikation (BG Verkehr) and the Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warenlogistik (BGHW), there is still a risk of serious accidents due to the diverse working conditions and extraordinary events.

Falling objects

Falling objects can cause injuries when loading and unloading racks, trucks, containers or other means of transport and if they are not properly secured.

Handling machines

Industrial trucks such as forklift trucks, pallet trucks, conveyor belts and other equipment are used for a wide range of activities. Working with these machines puts employees at risk of collisions, falls and crushing injuries.

Tripping, slipping and falling hazards

In logistics centers and warehouses, there are often objects such as pallets or packaging materials on the floor that can easily become slipping and tripping hazards if employees are not careful. There is also a risk of falls when employees are working at elevated levels, for example on ladders or scaffolding.

Threat and attack

Especially when employees are transporting valuable goods, they can become potential targets for thieves, robbers or other criminals.

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Most important Features for the logistics sector

According to DGUV Regulation 1 "Principles of Prevention", the employer must ensure that the necessary help can be summoned immediately in the event of an emergency by means of signalling devices and organizational measures.
This can also be done by means of a personal emergency signal system, taking into account the risk. Features


Time alarm (dead man detector)

The time alarm can be used to regularly check the well-being of lone workers when working with an increased risk of danger, e.g. when loading and unloading vehicles. If an employee does not react within the defined countdown, an alarm is triggered automatically after a pre-alarm. In principle, CALIMA requires an active internet connection (mobile or WLAN). For areas without an internet connection, however, the time alarm can also be activated for protection.


Accident detection

When accident detection is activated, the sensors in the smartphone analyze the employee's movements to determine whether he or she is motionless or has fallen. If the employee falls in the warehouse or is knocked unconscious by a fallen object, an alarm is triggered automatically.


Silent alarm

In the event of a threatening situation, e.g. confrontation with a criminal, the silent alarm can be used to call for help unnoticed. This alarm is not audible and can therefore be triggered inconspicuously.

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CALIMA in use at Sievert Logistik

"Thanks to the emergency system and the connected emergency call and service control centre, we can now ensure that our employees receive first aid quickly in the event of an emergency at any time and without any organizational effort."

‍Wiebke Karpa-Muhle

Andreas Greshake
‍‍‍‍TeamLeader Fleet Management

Sievert Logistics case study

Case study

For over 100 years, Sievert Logistik SE has been successfully delivering goods to their destination and thus advancing its customers as a logistics service provider.

At the various locations in Germany, the company's employees sometimes work alone, including in the service workshops.

Download our case study free of charge and find out how Sievert Logistik SE successfully implemented our emergency system.

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