Many health and safety officers are faced with the challenge of ensuring the safety and health of lone workers in the workplace. One important question that arises is when the use of a personal emergency signaling system (PNA ) becomes necessary. In order to answer this question, it must first be clarified in which situations lone working is permitted at all and how the activity is classified according to its risk level. Sounds complicated? Don't worry, we'll bring light into the darkness.
The most important facts in brief
✓ In accordance with Section 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the employer must carry out a risk assessment when working alone and implement measures such as the use of a PNA.
✓ The use of a PNA depends on the risk level (low, increased or critical) of lone working.
✓ A PNA minimizes liability risks for the employer by enabling rapid assistance in an emergency.
What obligations do employers have towards lone workers?
If a person works alone, out of call and sight of other employees, the employer is obliged under Section 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act to carry out a special risk assessment and derive measures from it. In particular, the employer must ensure that the rescue chain is initiated immediately after an accident. This means that first aid is provided and the necessary medical treatment is arranged.
In the event that hazardous work is carried out by one person alone, the employer must take suitable technical or organizational personal protection measures in addition to the general protective measures. This is because in an emergency, there is no one on site at individual workplaces to react to the incident in good time. One well-known occupational safety measure is the use of a personal emergency signal system (PNA). These are devices that can trigger a personal alarm manually or automatically in an emergency.
However, working alone is not permitted in all cases.
Is working alone even allowed?
Before you use a PNA in your company, you must first check whether lone working is permitted at all in accordance with Section 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. To do this, you must carry out a risk assessment and assign the activities of your lone workers to one of the three risk levels: low, increased or critical.
Working alone is not permitted, if...
- there is a critical hazard and the probability of an emergency is classified as high
- the time until the start of assistance measures takes more than 15 minutes
- The risk number R > 30 and no risk minimization measures are possible.
By carrying out a risk assessment, you can determine the risk factor for the activities of your lone workers. This determines which obligations the employer has according to Section 6 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
When is a personal emergency signal system (PNA) used?
If the risk level is considered to be low, it is generally not necessary to monitor the individual workplace. The use of a reporting device (e.g. telephone or control calls) is sufficient here. It is assumed that the risks are at an acceptable level.
If the risk level is assessed as increased, monitoring of the individual workplace is required. It must now be checked whether a reporting device (e.g. telephone or control call) is still permissible. If necessary, a PNA should be considered.
If the hazard level is assessed as critical, constant monitoring of the individual workstation is deemed necessary. In this case, a PNA must be used or a second person must be present. If the probability of an emergency is classified as high, then lone working is not permitted in the event of a critical hazard.

Why does it make sense to use a personal emergency signal system for all lone workers?
The use of a PNA not only protects employees from serious injuries, but also has advantages for the employer:
Minimization of liability risks
By using a PNA, the employer can minimize their liability risks. It is the employer's responsibility to ensure the safety of their employees, especially lone workers. By implementing a PNA, the employer fulfills a measure recommended by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) for lone worker protection.
Saving control calls
Control calls as a reporting device can often be forgotten or neglected. In addition, making regular control calls requires the involvement of at least two employees, which can lead to distractions. There is also the possibility that even with regular check calls, assistance may be provided too late in an emergency. A PNA enables lone workers to signal an emergency directly at the touch of a button or automatically via motion detection if necessary.
Emergency does not go unnoticed
One of the most important Features features of a PNA is the automatic detection of falls and immobility. If the person working alone is no longer able to call for help themselves, the PNA automatically triggers an emergency call. This enables a rapid response and increases the likelihood of help arriving on time. A PNA can prevent serious consequences and even save lives, especially when a person is working alone.
Deterrence of offenders
A PNA can also serve as a preventative measure to deter potential perpetrators. Regular time alarms, where the system inquires about the employee's well-being, signal that the activities of lone workers are being monitored. This can deter potential attackers as they are aware that their actions could be recognized and help alerted. The presence of a PNA can therefore help to improve security by reducing potential threats.
Better working atmosphere
By providing a PNA, the employer shows an interest in the well-being of its employees, which can lead to a more relaxed working atmosphere and a better relationship between employees and employer. This in turn increases employee motivation and productivity.
CALIMA offers an exciting alternative to the classic personal emergency signal system. To harness the advances of digitalization in occupational safety, CALIMA transforms the employee's smartphone into a personal emergency signal device that automatically shares all relevant data with the previously selected emergency contacts in the event of an emergency.