Well-trained company first aiders are not only an effective protective measure for companies, but are also legally required to be appointed in occupational health and safety.
Depending on the size and type of company, the employer must ensure that a mandatory number of first aiders are available in their company. This ensures that in the event of an accident at work, first aid measures can be initiated before the emergency services arrive and serious consequential damage can be prevented.
The most important facts in brief
✓ First aiders are required by law and increase safety in the company. They provide immediate assistance in the event of accidents and prevent serious consequences.
✓ The number of first aiders depends on the size and type of company. In smaller companies, one is sufficient; in larger companies, 5-10% of employees are required.
✓ Organization and training are crucial. First aiders must receive regular training and be well equipped. Companies bear the costs and must ensure that all requirements are met.
Why do you need company first aiders?
Training company first aiders is an important preventative measure for companies, as they can quickly provide first aid in the event of accidents and medical emergencies before professional emergency services arrive. On average, it takes around 10 minutes from the time an emergency call is made until the emergency services arrive.
In the case of acute injuries and illnesses, however, every second counts. By acting quickly and correctly, first aid measures can prevent serious consequential damage.
Well-trained first aiders also contribute to an improved sense of safety, which in turn increases the satisfaction and motivation of other employees. As a result, they promote a positive corporate culture in which the well-being and safety of employees is paramount. Find out more about employee motivation here.
In addition to the benefits for employees, first aider training also offers advantages for companies, as the absence of first aiders is an administrative offense. In addition to the increase in contribution rates due to the increase in operational risk, managing directors also face fines of up to 10,000 euros.
In order to ensure the safety of employees and to be able to provide help quickly in an emergency, there are legal requirements that companies must have a certain number of first aiders. By training their employees as first aiders, companies can ensure that they meet this obligation and protect their employees in the best possible way.
How many first aiders are needed in a company?
In Germany, there are legal requirements that determine how many first aiders must be present in a company. The number of company first aiders depends on the size and type of the company, the number of employees and the type and severity of hazards at work, based on the risk assessment.
According to Section 10 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, suitable first aid measures must be taken in companies with more than two employees. DGUV Regulation 1 stipulates how many first aiders must be present in a company. Specifically, the regulation stipulates that there must be at least one first aider in companies with 2 to 20 employees.
For more than 20 employees, however, the number of company first aiders depends on the size of the company, the industry and the specific hazards of the company's activities:
In accordance with the minimum quota stipulated by law, 5% first aiders must be present in administrative and commercial companies with more than 20 employees. In other companies, however, it is 10%. This minimum quota only serves as a guideline. Based on the risk assessment, the employer must ensure that sufficient first aiders are present not only in ideal cases, but always (e.g. also during vacation periods or illness). Simply meeting the minimum quota is therefore not recommended.
How can companies set up an effective first-aider organization?
An effective first-aider organization in the company can save lives and minimize serious health consequences and injuries. To achieve this, companies should follow the steps below:
Determine requirements: Companies should carry out an analysis to determine the need for first aiders within their company. When determining the need, companies should not only determine the number of first aiders, but also their locations. It is important that first aiders are easily accessible in different areas of the company so that they can act quickly in an emergency.
Selection of candidates: Companies should select people who want to volunteer as first aiders and are willing to take the first aid course to become a first aider. It is important that these people are reliable. Some employees may also already have previous medical knowledge or experience that makes them particularly suitable candidates.
It should then be noted in the operating instructions and in emergency and evacuation plans which first aiders are available in the company and their telephone numbers should be stored. These documents must be made known to employees and posted in publicly accessible places that are visible to all employees.
Training: All first aiders must complete basic and advanced training to ensure that they are able to act effectively in an emergency and implement first aid measures effectively. The training should be refreshed every two years in a 9-lesson first aid course.
Equipment: Companies should ensure that all first aiders have the necessary equipment to be able to act effectively in an emergency. This includes first aid kits, medical equipment and other aids such as medical gloves, an oxygen and respiratory mask or an automated defibrillator.
A well-equipped first aid kit can help treat injuries before professional help arrives.
Depending on the type of business and the risk assessment, more specific equipment may also be required, such as eyewash stations, rescue blankets or special medication.
Emergency call signaling devices: A personal emergency signaling system (PNA ) can be used as an emergency call signaling device so that first responders can be alerted immediately in the event of an emergency.
With the help of a digital PNA such as CALIMA, an effective rescue chain can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively via the employee's standard smartphone. You can get an overview of the Features and advantages here.
Regular rescue and evacuation drills: In accordance with the Technical Rules for Workplaces (ASR A2.3 "Escape routes and emergency exits, escape and rescue plan"), it is recommended that regular rescue and evacuation drills are carried out. These drills should ensure that all employees are familiar with the rescue plans and can act correctly in an emergency.
ASR A2.3 itself does not specify an explicit frequency for these exercises, but it is generally considered good practice to carry them out at least once a year. However, the frequency may vary depending on the business and its specific risks and requirements.
Evaluation: It is important to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the first-aider organization and the rescue chain. Companies should continuously review the legal requirements to ensure that they meet the requirements.
After emergency situations, a thorough analysis and documentation should be carried out to check how well the first responders and the rescue chain worked. Improvements and adjustments can be made on this basis.
How do you become a first aider?
Training to become a first aider consists of basic training, also known as a first aid course, and lasts 9 teaching units of 45 minutes each. Here, basic knowledge is taught that is required for almost all emergencies in leisure and work.
The courses usually take place at the training company, but can also be held directly at the company if there is a sufficient number of participants. After completing the course, each participant receives a brochure with the course content and a certificate of attendance.
First aiders are generally obliged to complete refresher first aid training courses. The modules of the first aid refresher course also comprise 9 teaching units and must be completed every two years at the latest.
If you want to become a first aider, you do not have to expect any costs for the course. The costs for training as a first aider are covered by the relevant accident insurance provider (employers' liability insurance association / accident insurance fund) in accordance with the requirements of DGUV Regulation 1.
Additional costs such as continued payment of wages and travel expenses are borne by the company. Even if the training takes place at the weekend, it is counted as working time. On this page you can find the contact persons of the various accident insurance institutions to obtain information on the assumption of costs.
Through training and regular further training, first aiders can keep their knowledge and skills up to date so that they can provide first aid quickly and competently in an emergency.
What should first aiders do in an emergency?
1. recognizing and assessing emergency situations
First aiders should be able to quickly recognize and assess an emergency situation in order to take appropriate action.
First aiders should first check the surroundings for possible dangers or risks and then try to assess the condition of the affected person. A quick check of the person's level of consciousness, breathing, pulse and other bodily functions can help.
It is also important to determine the type of emergency in order to be able to initiate the following steps or special first aid measures. If it is a heart attack, for example, different immediate measures are required than in the case of an epileptic seizure or an electric shock. When assessing a person's condition, they should look to see if the person is breathing, has a pulse and shows signs of unconsciousness. They should also look for external signs of injury or illness.
When assessing the situation, first aiders should nevertheless be aware that they have no medical training and that it may be necessary to call for professional help, i.e. to contact the emergency services and thus set the rescue chain in motion. Here it is important to answer the 5 questions:
1. where is the event?
2. who is calling?
3. what has happened?
4. how many people affected?
5. wait for queries!
2. initiate emergency measures
It is crucial that first aiders remain calm and focused in emergency situations and try to act as quickly as possible, as they are responsible for providing first aid and initiating the rescue chain.
The rescue chain consists of various steps that should be initiated as quickly as possible in an emergency. These include alerting the emergency services such as the police, fire department and emergency doctor via the emergency number 112 and securing the accident site to prevent further accidents.
First aid includes all measures that can be carried out by medical laypersons to treat acute injuries and illnesses and thus increase the chances of survival of the person affected. This can include the application of life-saving measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Other measures may include applying bandages to stop bleeding, elevating the injured person or stopping bleeding.
However, first aiders should only carry out actions for which they are trained and qualified and should not carry out actions that are outside their area of expertise.
3. documentation
It is important that first aiders document the course of the emergency. Accurate and factual documentation can help to understand the further course of the emergency and clarify any questions. Through accurate and complete documentation, first responders can also help to ensure that all relevant information required for further treatment, follow-up or legal matters is recorded.
Good documentation also makes it possible to better understand the course of the emergency, to learn from it and, if necessary, to make improvements to the first aid organization.
Documentation should always be objective, accurate and timely. First aiders should record all relevant information, including the time of the emergency situation, their own identity and the person involved. If possible, witnesses or other persons involved can also be included in the documentation.
The training of first aiders in the workplace is an essential protective measure that contributes to improving the safety and well-being of employees. According to legal regulations, companies must train a certain number of employees as first aiders and offer them regular training. Well-trained first aiders can initiate first aid measures before the emergency services arrive, preventing serious consequences and saving lives. They therefore play a central role in occupational safety.